Monday, June 11, 2007


Trick Questions

In a Boston Globe Op-Ed David K. DeWolf, a professor of law at Gonzaga and senior fellow at the Discovery Institute, is angry because Republican presidential candidates have been asked whether or not they believe in evolution.

When Wolf Blitzer asked John McCain, for example, if the thought creationism should be taught in public schools, DeWolf saw it as a "trick question" because, "no serious advocate wants to teach 'creationism.'"


The problem for DeWolf and the Discovery Institute is that nobody really wants intelligent design. Everyone, and I mean everyone, sees it for what it is: a poor substitute for Adam and Eve, Noah and the flood.

It was once thought that the ID legal strategy might successfully open the door to creationism. After Dover, even that pipe dream has gone by the boards.

The other big problem for DeWolf and Discovery is that only three of the nine Republican presidential candidates at the first debate -- Brownback, Huckabee, and Tancredo -- were foolish enough to hold up their hands when asked whether or not they believe in evolution.

In the weeks since, two of them -- Brownback and Huckabee -- have "clarified" their positions.

Despite a certain confusion in recent polls about what Americans believe about evolution and creationism, even Republican candidates who must win over their party's socially conservative base find they can't run a credible campaign if they're on record in opposition to teaching evolution in public schools.

That's bad news for Discovery and their allies.


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