Friday, April 20, 2007
Sophistry: Piling It Higer
Rogers, Arkansas school board President Joye Kelley wants a district committee to review a set of supplemental materials that attack evolutionary theory, according to the Arkansas Democrat Gazette. Don Eckard, a Rogers dentist, wants the materials, most supplied by the Discovery Institute, included in the curriculum there in order to present "a balanced view of evolution."
Eckard, who describes himself as a Christian, doesn't want to teach creationism or intelligent design, oh no, he says, all he wants is for students to be exposed to "the scientific evidence that both supports and refutes evolution."
Eckard, who describes himself as a Christian, doesn't want to teach creationism or intelligent design, oh no, he says, all he wants is for students to be exposed to "the scientific evidence that both supports and refutes evolution."