Friday, March 30, 2007
2007 Friend of Darwin Award

Liz Craig, right, presents Kansas Citizens for Science President Jack Krebs with the 2007 Friend of Darwin Award from the National Center for Science Education.
The award is given annually to people whose efforts to defend the teaching of evolution in public schools has been truly outstanding. Krebs has been active in KCFS since 1999, supplying leadership to efforts to resist the creationist state science standards of both 1999 and 2005.
Krebs also served as a member of the state science standards writing committee of 2004-2006, and as Pedro Irigonegaray's assistant at the 2005 "Science Hearings."
The award is given annually to people whose efforts to defend the teaching of evolution in public schools has been truly outstanding. Krebs has been active in KCFS since 1999, supplying leadership to efforts to resist the creationist state science standards of both 1999 and 2005.
Krebs also served as a member of the state science standards writing committee of 2004-2006, and as Pedro Irigonegaray's assistant at the 2005 "Science Hearings."