Wednesday, January 24, 2007


Hovind on the Damascus Road

Before Kent Hovind was sentenced to 10 years for tax fraud, jail officials recorded a phone conversation in which the creationist claimed the Internal Revenue Service, presiding judge Casey Rodgers, and the prosecutor broke the law by going after him.

Hovind, aka Dr. Dino, hinted darkly there were things he could do "to make their lives miserable."

The Pensacola News Journal reports that Hovind compared himself to a buffalo in a lion fight. His voice was heard in the recording saying "As long as I have some horns, I'm going to swing. As long as I have some hoofs, I'm going to kick. As long as I have some teeth, I'm going to fight. The lion's going to know he's been in a fight."

After the sentencing, Hovind underwent a conversion experience saying, "I feel like the mouse. I stand here in great fear of the power of this court. Your decision can destroy my life, my ministry and my grandchildren."


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