Monday, February 06, 2006


ID: Bringing Us Closer Together

"Faith's domain is evident everywhere at the Utah Legislature, where about 90 percent of the elected officials are members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Prayers are commonplace, and lawmakers speak of their relationship with God in ordinary conversation," reports Kirk Johnson of the New York Times.
So it might be tempting to assume that state legislation relating to the divisive national debate about the teaching of evolution in public schools would have a predictable outcome here.

Senate Bill 96 is proving that assumption wrong. The bill, which would require science teachers to offer a disclaimer when introducing lessons on evolution - namely, that not all scientists agree on the origins of life - has deeply divided lawmakers. Some leaders in both parties have announced their opposition to the bill, and most lawmakers say that with less than a month left in the legislative session, its fate remains a toss-up.

What's the deal? Are some of these good Mormons legislators really atheists?


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