Thursday, November 03, 2005


Lifelong Learners

This is the mission statement of the the Dover Area School District:
Our mission, in partnership with family and community, is to educate students. We emphasize sound basic skills, and nurture the diverse needs of our students as they strive to become lifelong learners and contributing members of our global society. (emphasis added, RSR)

So how does the mission of the Dover School District square with the intellectual incuriosity of school board members elected to lead the district? Check out these examples of how Dover board members are setting an example of what it means to be a lifelong learner:

RSR guesses that Dover school children will have to look somewhere besides their district's elected leadership to find suitable role models for lifelong learning. The citizens of Dover will have a chance to change all that in less than a week. Will they throw these bums out?


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