Tuesday, November 22, 2005
Kansas Alliance for Education Forms
The Kansas Alliance for Education (KAE) is a nonpartisan grassroots organization formed in 2005 for the purpose of promoting the election of candidates to the Kansas State Board of Education who support quality education for all Kansas children. The Alliance is founded on the following guiding principles:
- Moderate and informed educational policy best prepares children for the 21st century
- Public education is for all children
- Quality public education is the key to social and economic vitality
Alliance members believe that the current conservative six-member majority of the board is failing in its obligation to provide a quality educational opportunity for all Kansas children. They have been preoccupied with inappropriate science standards and unnecessary opt-in sex education guidelines. Recently they have hired a Kansas Commissioner of Education whose qualifications are woefully inadequate. We believe these actions demonstrate that they are more concerned with promoting their own agenda than they are with preparing the children of Kansas to deal with the challenges of the 21st Century.
The Kansas Alliance for Education is seeking contributions to support direct mail, print and electronic media advertising, email blasts, and press releases in order to promote the election of candidates to the Kansas State Board of Education who support quality education for all Kansas children.
Visit their website for more information on how you can become active.