Monday, November 28, 2005
David Awbrey: Gone But Not Forgotten
They haven't forgotton David Awbrey, the newly appointed Kansas Department of Education communications director, in Vermont. An article by Jack "Miles" Ventimiglia in the Blue Valley Sun, says that during the time Awbrey was the Burlington Free Press editorial page editor, the the National Education Association found he was no friend of education.
The problem with Vermont? It's "a really, really left-wing state," says Awbrey.
"We can't recall David Awbrey ever having a positive thing to say about education," Vermont NEA spokeswoman Laurie Huse said Friday. "He was here for three years and he railed pretty much constantly about what he called the 'education establishment.' He criticized teachers, their organizations, administrators, school board, even the Department of Education."
The problem with Vermont? It's "a really, really left-wing state," says Awbrey.