Thursday, October 13, 2005


No Specifics

From Scott Rothschild's Lawrence Journal-World report on Education Commissioner Bob Corkins first meeting with school superintendents:

Earlier this year before the Kansas Supreme Court, Corkins filed a legal brief on behalf of an anti-tax group, arguing against increased funding for schools, citing inefficiencies in school operations.

At Wednesday’s meeting, Brooks, the leader of the largest school district in Kansas with 49,000 students, asked Corkins to specify what inefficiencies he meant.

Corkins said he had no specifics, but said the public school system is “a virtual monopoly not subject to natural market motivations.”

Brooks said later: “That really concerns me that somebody would be filing an amicus brief with the Supreme Court based on perceptions with really no data to support it. I think that is kind of scary.”

First intelligent design, then privatization. The right-wing agenda for Kansas education becomes clearer by the day. What's next?


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