Thursday, October 13, 2005


John Calvert on ID at United Methodist Church

John Calvert, a leader of the ID Network and the effort to make the science curriculum in Kansas more ID friendly, spoke at the St. Paul's United Methodist Church in Lenexa this past Sunday. Red State Rabble will present the counter argument this Sunday, Oct. 16 at 9:30 am.

We attended Mr. Calvert's presentation to hear what he had to say, and we felt he made the best case he possibly could for intelligent design -- although, it seemed, many in the audience of about 50 were not persuaded.

Now, Mike Stiles, the organizer of these events and a fellow blogger at rereason has posted the most complete and accurate report of a public lecture we have ever read. If you want to see how intelligent design is presented and the arguments for it, we highly recommend reading Mike's account.

(It's so good, RSR will be using it as crib notes for our own presentation)

We'd like to add that the sort of discussions being sponsored by St. Paul's United Methodist Church are all too rare these days. Public discussion and education are essential in a democracy. We need more of it.


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