Friday, April 15, 2005


What's Good for the Goose, Isn't Good for the Republican Gander

Last week, the Republican controlled Missouri legislature voted to authorize many of Gov. Matt Blunt's proposals to eliminate Medicare coverage for 100,000 low income citizens, reduce benefits to others, and require many to pay more for health care from their own pockets.

Describing the cuts as cruel, hundreds of advocates for affected low-income parents, seniors and the disabled have protested repeatedly at the Capitol in Jefferson City.

This week, the legislature voted against a budget amendment introduced by Rep. Trent Skaggs, a Democrat from Kansas City, to cut 20 percent from the state's contribution to the health plans of legislators and statewide elected officials, such as Blunt.

"If we're going to ask other people to sacrifice, we should sacrifice first - I firmly believe that," said Skaggs.

Apparently, Republicans disagree.


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