Monday, November 07, 2005


Dover School Board Election Tomorrow

The Dover intelligent design trial came to an end Friday in U.S. District Court in Harrisburg.

Tomorrow, voters go to the polls to elect a new school board. A slate of candidates called Dover CARES is running eight candidates on a platform of fiscal responsibility, quality education, open communication, critical thinking and academic freedom, and relationship building, against current board members who led the community down the primrose path and into federal court.

The Dover CARES candidates are: Bernadette Reinking, Terry Emig, Bryan Rehm, Herbert "Rob" McIlvaine, Judy McIlvaine, Larry Gurreri, Patricia Dapp, and Phil Herman.

Will Dover take a page from Kansas history when, in 1999, conservatives who embarrassed the state by eliminating evolution, the big bang, and the age of the earth, from the science curriculum were put out of office by the voters? We'll know tomorrow.


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